Anonymous Tip Program

Please use this form to report any illegal activity you are aware of in our community. Your information will be forwarded to an officer for investigation. Feel free to use this form as often as necessary, be sure to provide as much information as you can, including names, descriptions, and locations so that we are able to respond and continue to make Sabattus a safe place to live, work and play. Use this form to report any criminal activity, including:

- Drug Dealing
- Underage drinking parties or Sale of Alcohol to Minors
- Theft, Burglary or Possession of Stolen Property
- Child Abuse / Neglect
- Unregistered Sex Offenders

Please DO NOT use this form to report crimes that are ongoing, or that may be dangerous to human life. Those crimes should be reported by dialing 911.

Your information WILL be passed along and acted upon. Please leave your contact information if you are willing to speak to an officer – your identity will be kept in strict confidence, and may allow us to take action more quickly.

FYI:  You can remain anonymous as your email will not appear upon submission of your tip.  If you choose to share your name and contact information, you may do so.